Staudingerweg 21
Building number 2113
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The Studierendenwerk is located in the western part of campus, beside the Zentralmensa and the student hostel Inter II.
Your first port of call is the Infopoint which is located in the courtyard (blue spot). The entrance is hidden behind the stairs. The offices on the first floor are accessible by lift.
The lift is located on the back side of the separate building (orange spot) through the automated door on the left.
Beware: The space in front of the lift is very small. There is an increased risk of falling, due to the stairs across from the lift. The lift is wide enough for a foldable wheelchair but may be too narrow for a motorized one. The control panel is high and thus hard to reach from a wheelchair.
Measurements: length 1.20 m, width 0.80 m

First Floor of the Studierendenwerk
After leaving the lift a roof-top terrace provides access to all the entrances. To enter the Studierendenwerk orientate yourself towards the red pillar, turn left and there’s the entrance. The threshold may be a slight barrier due to it being slightly raised. The Studierendenwerk provides advisory centres for all kinds of issues that students are confronted with. Please visit their site to check out their range of services.