Info Centers
Internal Info Centers by JGU
Company Medical Services (in German)
Healthy University for Students and Employees (both in German)
Center for Conflict-Management and Arbitration (in German)
Mental Health Services for students
Consultancy on Nursing Care (in German)
Tumor Center Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. (in German)
Accessible Communication with the Municiple Government (in German)
Center for a Self-Determined-Life of People with Disabilities e.V. (ZsL)
Hospitals and Doctors
Hospitals and Clinics
Search Engine for Hospitals throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Search engine for Wellness-Clinics and physical rehab facilities (in German)
General and Special Practitioners
MED Specialist Medical Center Mainz (in German)
Medicum Specialist Medical Center Wiesbaden (in German)
Medical Organisations in Mainz / Rheinhessen / Rheinland-Pfalz (in German)
Search Engine for Doctors in Mainz, Alzey, Worms, Bingen and the Municipalities in Rheinhessen (in German)
Doctors in Rheinland-Pfalz (in German)
Search Engine Arzt-Atlas (in German)
Search Engine for Clinic Physicians in Mainz and Region (in German)
Gynaecology / Female Medical Care
Professional Association of Gynaecologists e.V. (in German)
Gynaecologists in Mainz (in German)
Joint-Center Rhein-Main (in German)
Alternative Medicine
German Association for Alternative Medicine DGAM (in German) - Umbrella Organization
German Association for Classical Homeopathy e.V. (in German)
German National Association of homeopathic Practitioners (DZVhÄ) (in German)