Dalheimer - Weg 12
Gebäudenummer: 1533
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The Sports Institute is located at the south-eastern end of campus.
The Sports Institute is reachable via a path off Anselm-Franz-von-Bentzel-Weg past the Anthropology building and the entrance to the Botanical Gardens. Upon entering the sports grounds you can either turn left or right to reach the accessible entrances of the lecture hall and administration building. To reach the fully accessible entrance please turn right and follow the road past the gymnasium and lecture hall S1 to the south entrance. This entrance is equipped with a ramp and an electronic door opener, so accessibility is provided even without help. Unfortunately, while the northern entrance is also equipped with a ramp and the building's lift is located at this entrance, the doors cannot be opened electronically from the outside. Only from the inside. Furthermore, the door has no handle, so you cannot manually open it from the outside either.

The building is equipped with a lift (passenger cenveyance platform). The lift is located at the northern accessible entrance to the lecture hall and administrative building. If you are entering the building through the southern entrance please turn right, pass through one set of doors and then turn left and pass the staircase.
Please note: The door to the lift has a 7 seconds delay to open and to move the lift you have to keep pressing the button inside.
The lift is basically a plattform, so there are no inside walls. There is also no room to maneuver, but the shaft has doors on alternating sides, so as long as you only go one level up or down you can enter and exit the lift forwards.

Accessible Toilet
The accessible toilet is in the basement level. Upon exiting the lift you have to go diagonally left through the door leading into a corridor and turn immediately left.