Colonel-Kleinmann-Weg 2
Building number 1331
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Campus Map
SB II is located in the central part of campus on Col.-Kleinmann-Weg. The main entrance is fully accessible (green arrow).
Coming via Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg turn into Col.-Kleinmann-Weg. Straight ahead is the SB II building and the main entrance. The door furthest to right is equipped with an electronic door opener.

Two ramps lead up to the main entrance. One long metal ramp and one shorter and steeper stone ramp.

When entering the building the lifts are located down the left corridor. With these you can access every floor in the building. The call buttons are very high on the wall, so you may need assistance.
Measurements: length 1.60 m, width 0.90 m

Accessible Toilet
The only accessible toilet is on the third floor directly across from the lifts. The toilet is integrated into the women’s restroom and can only be opened with a EURO-key.