Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 21
Building number 1341
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The Institute for natural science and ZDV is located in the central part of campus, beside the Muschel.
This building has two accessible entrances. The upper green arrow shows the main entrance on Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg. This door has a ramp leading up to it but no electronic door openers. The doors are rather difficult to open.
The lower arrow marks the new rear entrance. This one is equipped with a ramp and an electronic door opener.
The ramp to the main entrance is situated on the forecourt adjacent to the Muschel.
Measurements: length 7 m, width 1 m.

The lifts are located in the foyer, left of the main entrance, facing the stairs. All 7 floors are accessible with them. The one farthest to the right is recommended for wheelchairs as it is the widest. Sadly, the call buttons are very high and hard to impossible to reach from a wheelchair. The other two are a tight fit for wheelchairs.
Measurements (large): length: 1.50 m, width: 1.80 m

Accessible Toilet
The accessible toilet is in the basement. After exiting the lift turn right, the toilet is in the far right corner of the corridor. The sign pointing the way is right across the exit of the wide lift on the right. A Euro-key is needed to enter. The toilet is equipped with two foldable support handles with integrated toilet paper holders. While the basin and mirror are not adjustable, they are hung in a height to accommodate wheelchair users. An emergency bell pull alerts the janitor.