Lecture Halls in the "Alten Mensa" (Old Mensa)

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Atrium Maximum, Linke Aula (Left Assembly Hall) and HS 11:

There are a number of lecture halls and function rooms in the "Alten Mensa", where a wide variety of events take place. These lecture halls and function rooms are all accessible using the stair lift. A EURO-key is necessary to use the lift. Operating this lift is rather tricky. Please feel free to contact us so we may assist you.

Audi Max:

The Audimax is the largest lecture hall in the "Alten Mensa".It is situated right across from the top of the stairs / stair lift. While neither door is equipped with an electronic door opener and are quite heavy, they are usually propped open before lectures. The lecture halls slants upwards but as the walkway is a ramp and not stairs it is fully accessible. The hall is equipped with 6 workspaces for wheelchair users which can be found at the far end of a row of seats. These have slightly larger foldable tables.

HS 11:

Is fully accessible and furnished with movable chairs.