Lecture Hall and Seminar Rooms Bio-Centre I

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HS I / Lecture Hall I

HS I (Lecture Hall I) has several entrances. One is situated in the corridor to the main entrance (third attention field of the guiding system), another one is in the foyer. Both entrances are wide enough to pass by wheelchair.
There are mainly chairs with folding table tops in the lecture hall but there are accessible tables in the first row.

Seminarraum 1 and 2 / Seminar Rooms

The entrances to the seminar rooms are in the foyer across from the lecture hall. These rooms are furnished with accessible tables and stackable chairs. SR II has no daylight as both Seminar rooms are halves of one larger dividable room. Should this room be too dark for you, please contact us so we may assist in changing rooms.

Die Eingänge zu den Seminarräumen 1 und 2 sind im Foyer gegenüber dem Hörsaal. Diese Räume sind ebenfalls mit unterfahrbaren Tischen ausgestattet. SR II bietet kein Tageslicht, da beide Räume Hälften eines unterteilbaren Raumes sind. Sollte es zu dunkel sein, melden Sie sich bitte, um eine Raumänderung in die Wege zu leiten.