Staudingerweg 18
Building number 1395
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The Helmholtz-Institute is located in the western part of campus diagonally across from the central Mensa.
The fully accessible main entrance is on Staudingerweg, indicated above by a green arrow. The way from the sidewalk is equipped with a tactile guidance system. The doors open automatically most of the time and if not there is an electronic door opener.

Tactile Guidance System
Upon entering the building, you reach the anteroom to the foyer containing a tactile floorplan on the right hand side and a reception desk.Please note the spelling mistake on the tactile floor plan. In some instances, instead of a slash sign it reads 7.

After crossing the anteroom you reach the actual foyer which is also equipped with a tactile guidance system. The lift is in the far right corner of the foyer.

Accessible Toilet
The accessible toilet is in a side corridor to the right side of the anteroom. It’s the first door on the left. The tactile guiding system leads to the accessible toilet, but due to some tripping issues it is mostly covered up by a carpet. To reach it you have to turn right just before entering the main foyer. Where the carpet ends you will find the guidingsystem again and that will lead you to the door.
There is no cafeteria in this building, but there is a fully automatic coffee maker in the front area of the foyer to the right. It only takes 1 € coins.