Gebäude 1421 - 1439
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Map of the Gardens
The botanical garden has several access points. They are marked with blue arrows on the lower map above. Both main entrances are located on the short byway off Anselm-Franz-v.-Benzel-Weg leading to the Anthropology and Sport institute.

Terrain / Buildings
The terrain is easily passable by wheelchair. In the center is a large pavilion with seating accommodations. The ways are wide enough for wheelchairs and the signs with the plant names can be easily reached and read for the most part. The exception being the wooded areas. Most Greenhouses are also accessible by wheelchair. On the site of the Botanical Gardens you can see which greenhouses are open to the public. Sadly greenhouses 8, 10, 20 and 21 are not accessible by wheelchair. The others are laid out with bark mulch, pebbles, earth and pavement but the layers are thin and well condensed, so that they should be usable by wheelchair. The entrances are on ground level and the entrance areas are spacious enough to maneuver. The pathways inside are wide enough for a wheelchair with the exception being during winter inside the greenhouses dedicated to host those plants that need to overwinter inside.

Accessible Toilet
There is no sign showing the location of the accessible toilet. It is located in the northern part of the gardens (marked with a red arrow in the map above) beside the “Grüne Schule” in the small toilet building. The toilet is equipped with two foldable metal support handles and an emergency button at the door. The basin and mirror are accessible by wheelchair. A EURO-key is needed to enter.

Meeting Area for Guided Tours of the Gardens
On the site of the Botanical Gardens you can get all the information on guided tours and events. The public guided tours are given by staff members of the botanical gardens, the institute for specialized botany, members of the “Freundeskreis des Botanischen Gartens” or advanced students. The tours go for about 90 minutes, appointments not necessary. The costs are 3 Euro per adult and free for children and members of the “Freundeskreis”. They start off from the meeting area for guided tours (lower map above) near the main entrance.