Public Transportation
The University is well connected via public transportation. Several bus and tram lines will bring you to campus. Should you arrive at the central station the most reasonable way to reach campus is by exiting at central station west. From here on you can buy a "Kurzstreckenticket" (short range ticket) which is less expensive than a one way ticket. The tickets are available at the ticket machines or the driver.
Further information on timetables and prices is available at Mainzer Mobilität.
These bus lines stop at the campus bus stops
- 6 Wiesbaden - Mainz Gonsenheim
- 54 Ginsheim - Klein-Winternheim
- 55 Bischofsheim - Mainz Finthen
- 56 Mainz Kostheim - Wackernheim / Mainz Finthen
- 57 Mainz Kastel - Mainz Bretzenheim
- 64 Mainz Laubenheim - Mainz Hartenberg
- 65 Mainz Weisenau - Mainz Hartenberg
- 68 Hochheim - Budenheim
- 75 Mainz - Schwabenheim – Ingelheim
- 90 Mainz Weisenau - Mainz Finthen
- 91 Ginsheim - Mainz Lerchenberg
- 650 Sprendlingen
The bus stops alongside Campus are called
- Universität (Forum, Main Entrance, ReWi)
- Friedrich von Pfeiffer Weg (Philosophicum I and II, Central Library, Georg-Forster-Building, Music College, Dorms on Campus)
- Botanischer Garten (Sports Institute, Botanical Gardens)
- Backhaushohl (Sports Institute and Sports Grounds)
- Hochschule Mainz ( University of Applied Sciences and Dorms)
The Campus-Bus-Line 78 goes across Campusgrounds. After the bus stop "Universität" it also serves the following bus stops on Campus.
- Joachim von Müller Weg (Anatomy, Anthropology, Botany, Zoology, Sports Institute)
- Colonel Kleinmann Weg (Muschel, SB II, Chemistry, NatFak, ZDV)
- Hans Dieter Hüsch Weg
- Staudinger Weg ( Mensa, Physics, Psychology)
- Duesbergweg (Main Vehicle Entrance, Institute für molecular Biology, Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Medicine)
Die Tram Lines / Mainzelbahnen
- 51 (Finthen - Lerchenberg)
- 53 (Hechtsheim - Lerchenberg)
- 59 (Zollhafen - Hochschule Mainz)
The Tram Stops alongside Campus
- Universität (Forum, Main Entrance, ReWi)
- Friedrich-von-Pfeiffer-Weg (Philosophicum I and II, Central Library, Georg-Forster-Building, Music College, Dorms on Campus)
- Hochschule Mainz (University of Applied Sciences and Dorms)
Bus Stop Arrangement at "Universität"

Further information on timetables and changes is available at Mainzer Mobilität.
Access by Bicycle
Using the App Komoot you can plan routes for bicycles with very few clicks. Individual destinations on campus can be accessed. Komoot will calculate the best and shortest route - using side roads and if possible avoiding cobble stones.
If you don't own a bicycle, you can register with the Mainzer Mobilität and use the bicycles available at the multiple lending stations across the city. There is a lending station at the central station and several on campus. If you register, you will be provided with the current list of lending stations.
Access by Car
The following directions lead to the main campus entrance for cars. Access to campus by car for non employees is only possible using this entrance. Access and free parking is allowed for rare visits, for regular access a certificate at cost is necessary. Please read "Parking on and around Campus" for more information.
The main entrances adress is Ackermannwaeg 11, 55128 Mainz.
The GPS coordinates are: 49° 59' 19.075" N 8° 13' 54.815" E
If you are coming from the west (direction of Bonn/Köln):
Follow the Autobahn A60, pass the “Autobahn-Dreieck-Mainz” (Autobahn triangle, A643 goes off) in the direction of Darmstadt. Leave the Autobahn at the exit “Mainz-Finthen” and then follow the sign towards “Saarstraße / Innenstadt”. Go straight through the roundabout “Europaplatz”. Leave at the exit “Universität”(first exit after the roundabout). Turn left at the next traffic light and then left again at the next possibility.
If you are coming from the east (direction of Würzburg / Darmstadt) or south (Kaiserslautern / Alzey):
Follow the A60 in the direction of “Bingen / Koblenz”, or traveling along the A63 leave it at the "Autobahnkreuz Mainz" and take the A60 towards "Bingen / Koblenz". Get off at the exit “Mainz-Finthen” in the direction of “Saarstraße / Innenstadt”, pass straight through the roundabout “Europaplatz” to the exit “Universität” (first exit after the roundabout). Turn left at the next traffic light and then left again at the next possibility.
Coming from the north (Wiesbaden / Kassel):
Cross the Rhine via the Autobahn A643 towards Mainz. Follow A643 up to the “Autobahn-Dreieck-Mainz” and turn onto A60 in the direction of Darmstadt. Leave the Autobahn at the exit “Mainz-Finthen” in the direction of “Saarstraße / Innenstadt”, go straight through the roundabout “Europaplatz” until you reach the exit “Universität” (first exit after the roundabout). Turn left at the next traffic light and then left again at the next possibility.
Parking on and around Campus
On campus parking is reserved for certain groups of people one of which is the disabled, especially the walking impaired. Another group are those students living on campus. If you are interested please visit central administrations. Due to the high count of employees and students on the one hand and a limited amount of parking space on campus, parking is only allowed with a purchasable permit. Note that there is an order of priority and students rarely get a permit (see exceptions).
Students with a certificate of disability that contains the stamp “außergewöhnliche Gehbehinderung” – aG – can be exempted from paying for the permit.
If you want to park close to campus, there are two large free parking lots, one at the “Bruchwegstadion” on Dr.-Martin-Luther-King-Weg (49° 59' 59.845" N 8° 14' 48.289" E) and another on Dahlheimer Weg (49° 59' 19.648" N 8° 14' 10.802" E) .
Access by Airplane
There are two airports close to Mainz:
Frankfurt Main international airport (Rhine-Main-area)
From this airport take a train to reach Mainz. You can take the S8 (S-Bahn) towards Wiesbaden and exit at the “Hauptbahnhof Mainz” (central station Mainz), or take one of the regional trains (RB / RE) going through Mainz. The S-Bahn and regional trains leave the airport from the regional station (“Regionalbahnhof”) at the basement level. Travel time to Mainz about 30 minutes.
Another possibility is taking an interregional train (EC, IC and ICE) that goes through Mainz. These leave the airport from the “Fernbahnhof” (long-distance station). Travel time to Mainz about 20 minutes.
For more information on departure times and prices please visit the Deutschen Bahn .
Airport Frankfurt/Hahn (Hunsrück)
From this airport you have two possible ways to get to Mainz. One is by Bus / Airport-Shuttle, the other is by car. The bus leaves at regular intervals (far apart) and it takes about 1.5 hours to get to Mainz. To get more information on departure times and fare prices please visit here.
If you continue your journey by car, follow the signs toward the Autobahn A61. Access the A61 towards Ludwigshafen and keep on until the “Dreieck Nahetal” where you take the A60 towards Mainz. Exit the A60 at the exit Mainz-Finthen, follow the signs towards “Saarstraße / Innenstadt” straight through the roundabout “Europaplatz” until exit “Universtät”.